Saturday, June 15, 2013

Seaweed Hair and Kangaroos

Today's new item is the returning Seaweed Hair, sold in Bahari Bargains.

Recently, I've heard of people talking all about kangaroos, membership cards, and the new land that we might get. So to fill some people in a little bit, the kangaroo membership cards are currently only being sold in New Zealand, Australia, and the Australian Ebay. Also, has anyone noticed that on the cards that the background could possibly similar to what our new land could look like?

 Epic Jammer of the Week: claireiscute22 (Congrats!)

Fun Fact of the Week: Epic Plushies can be bought at Animal Jam Outfitters, for 11.95 (Or so I think). The plushies come with a code that unlocks a virtual plushie on Animal Jam. Some special ones even come with a code that unlocks all eight of them.